How to Use ILL

Interlibrary loan (ILL) can be very useful when doing your research. It gives you access to nearly anything in print; however, you should use ILL carefully and thoughtfully. You can find information about Inter-Library Loan and get started with your own account at the UMW Library’s Inter Library Loan page.


  • Start early! Make sure that you have enough time before the assignment is due. ILLs often take a couple of weeks to come in. See the Inter Library Loan FAQ on the main ILL page for helpful info on ordering, renewal requests (and limits), and more.
  • Read book reviews and other synopses to ensure that the item will be useful.  You can find more information on where to find these — including key historical journal databases such as JSTOR and ProjectMuse — at the Library’s Databases page on their Guide to History & American Studies Research.
  • Be sure to double-check that we don’t have the book you’re looking for already at UMW, and also that it’s in the language you’re looking to work with!