Subramanian Appears on Podcast

Professor Sushma Subramanian recently appeared on a Story Collider podcast episode titled "Sense of Touch" telling a story about her experiments using haptic technology to communicate with her long-distance fiance. She performed the piece, which is adapted from a forthcoming book she is writing, at Busboys & Poets last spring. Story Collider is a nonprofit organization that promotes storytelling as a way of humanizing science. You can listen to her story on the Story Colllider website. … [Read more...]

Subramanian is Awarded Journalism Fellowship

Professor Sushma Subramanian was awarded a Genetics and Human Behavior Journalism Fellowship by the Department of Psychology at the University of Virginia, a grant aimed at early- and mid-career journalists.  Continuing her focus on science writing, Subramanian will use the fellowship to observe researchers studying the physiology of the Bajau laut, a group in Indonesia known for their unique ability to see underwater and hold their breath for long periods while diving, to understand whether humans may have special adaptations for swimming. Congratulations! … [Read more...]

Subramanian Publishes New Article

Sushma Subramanian recently published the essay “My Forgotten Language" in the November issue of Discover Magazine. The piece looks into the neuroscience behind how she lost the ability to speak her first language, Tamil, after moving to the United States as a child and being encouraged to only use English by teachers, and what remains or can be recovered from that earlier tongue. … [Read more...]

Subramanian Publishes on Dark Chapter of Medical History

Professor Sushma Subramanian's article “Worse than Tuskegee” has recently been published in _Slate_! It focuses on a little-known study in which American researchers infected unknowing Guatemalans with STDs to test prophylactic measures, leaving many untreated who have now passed on these diseases to their children and cannot afford treatment. … [Read more...]

Sushma Subramanian Publishes in Men’s Health

Professor Subramanian recently published a story called "Unlock the Gut-Shrinking Secrets of Gastrophysics: How one meal can change everything you think you know about eating—and overeating" in the March issue of _Men's Health_. The story profiles a London pop-up restaurant that has built its menu around the scientific discoveries of Oxford researcher Charles Spence, who studies how the senses interact while eating.   … [Read more...]

New Article by Professor Subramanian

Professor Subramanian's article “Trapped in a Cycle of Sexual Abuse,” subtitled “Victims of sexual abuse in childhood are prone to suffering repeated abuse. Researchers are looking at ways to break the pattern,” is featured in the January 2016 issue of Scientific American Mind. … [Read more...]

Professor Subramanian Publishes In Women’s Health

Congratulations to Sushma Subramanian! Her article “A Shock to the Senses,” an exploration of how persons face attacks by sensory bombardment and how we can can protect our senses in light of constant media overstimulation, appeared in the October issue of Women’s Health. … [Read more...]